Digital Only
Top-of-the-List: Your entry appears under the alphabetical sorting in
the list of exhibitors. Thanks to the Top-of-the-List your company will be
placed at the top of the results list. The Top-of-the-List is displayed on the website under
the navigation item exhibitors. Top-of-the-Lists are placed in the first position at the top of the list of exhibitors. ExhibitorsMain Sponsor Banner: Reach your target group with a prominent Sponsor Banner at the top
of the hall plan overview. The banner is displayed above your own hall. The banner is shown above your hall on the interactive hall plans.
Only possible once per hall Format jpeg, 1440 px x
225 pxHall plan
Logo Power
Top-5-Logo: Be the eye-catcher! Present your company logo on
the Bazaar website in the hall plan. The Top-5-Logo will be placed above
your own hall. Your logo is displayed above your own hall on the interactive hall plans.
Link to your company profileAvailability max 5. exhibitors next to each other per
hall Format SVG Logo - max. 300 pxHall plan
Gallery Logo: Put your Brand under the spotlight on the website and reach
visitors in the run-up to the event. The logo is integrated on the start
page of the exhibitor directory. Your logo is published in the exhibitor search on the start page.
Link to your company profileThe logos appear in rotationAvailability from 5 to max. 12 exhibitors Format png, jpeg, 450 px x 315 px
Mixed Package
graphic: Indoor positions by arrangement, e.g., in the foyers and
entrance areas. Please contact the onsite team under about data delivery and further deadlines. Advertising on the exhibition grounds in the area surrounding your hall.
Sandwich Banner: Reach your target group with a prominent banner in the middle section of the
exhibitor search. The Sandwich Banner is included in one of the results lists
and published in the list of exhibitors on the website. The Sandwich Banner will be displayed in the exhibitor directory.
Link to your company profile Availability max. 5 Sponsors Format jpeg - 1440 px x 130 pxTracking on request