The complete package for maximum visibilityONSITE – NEW:1x Advertising on Digital Screens: Your content will be
shown on UltraStretched Screens in the central foyers
of Halls 1.2 to 6.2.Option 2 : Book 2x advertising on digital screens at the
special price of 4.700,00 excl. VAT.ONLINE:Top listing in the exhibitor list: Your company appears at
the top of the exhibitor list - your target group will find
you first!Top banner app & platform: Place your brand
prominently on the most-visited pages of the app and
CMS PLUS, such as the exhibitor overview or the
program.STORY AD: Your advertising on the app home page in
full-screen format.In case of a booking and data delivery after
18.08.2023 12 o'clock, your logo can no longer be placed in the printed CMS
Your entry into perfect visibility at the trade fair!ONSITE:Your logo is integrated directly into the hall overview
plans - for an even stronger presence on site.ONLINE:Your stand logo online: Visible in the digital hall plans
on the platform and in the app.PRINT:Your stand logo PRINT: Your company will also remain
visible and well positioned in the printed hall plan of
the CMS Guide.
More attention, more reach, more success!ONSITE:Your logo is integrated directly into the hall overview
plans - for an even stronger presence on site.ONLINE:Your stand logo online: Visible in the digital hall plans
on the platform and in the app.Top-Logo: Your logo will be prominently displayed above your hall on the platform (exclusively for a maximum of 5 exhibitors per hall).Logo gallery: Your logo is integrated into the app's logo gallery.PRINT:Your stand logo PRINT: Your company will also remain
visible and well positioned in the printed hall plan of
the CMS Guide.
Your VIP package for maximum presence and exclusivity!ONSITE – NEW:Mobile digital display: Your advertising is presented on a
mobile digital display. This allows you to reach trade fair
visitors exactly where it counts!ONLINE:Top listing in the exhibitor list: Your company appears at
the top of the exhibitor list - your target group will find
you first!Top banner app & platform: Place your brand
prominently on the most-visited pages of the app and
CMS PLUS, such as the exhibitor overview or the
program.STORY AD: Your advertising on the app home page in
full-screen format.