3x Job offers
Job offers
Publish your job offers and
benefit from the full reach of the DMEA.
Your job offer will be published
digitally and linked to your exhibitor profile.
3x Products
Would you like to present more
products than are included in your media package?
Each product can be presented with
text, images and videos.
5x Job offers
Job offers
Publish your job offer and
benefit from the full reach of the DMEA.
Your job offer will be published
digitally and linked to your exhibitor profile.
Digital Press News
Digital Press Box
your presence and get attention during the DMEA events with the exhibitor news.
Job offer
Job offer
Publish one job offer and benefit from the full reach of
the DMEA.Your ad is immediately published
digitally and linked to your exhibitor profile.
Would you like to present more products than are included in your media package? Then book additional product entries at a reasonable price. Each product can be presented with text, images and videos and appears on the online platform and in the app.
Products (5x)
Thanks to additional add-ons, you can enrich your online profile and optimize the content of your digital presence! Make sure your entry in the exhibitor directory is visible on the online platform and the app now.