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3x Job offers
With the job ads(3x), you have the opportunity to specifically present one of your open positions. Take advantage of the reach of the exhibitor list on the Online Platform website and app to draw qualified candidates' attention to your company.  With one click in the exhibitor list, interested individuals will be directed straight to your job listing.  After booking the exhibitor news, they will be unlocked in your content manager. You can add and edit your content at any time. Once saved, the content is immediately public and visible in your company profile.  Total: 3 job adsVisibility: Publication of three job postings on the Online Platform & in the app  Content: Description text, image, and contact details of a contact personService period: From the publication date, up to 6 months online; updates are possible at any timeJob Offers
3x Products
The product presentation (3x) offers the opportunity to present three of your products in a targeted andappealing way. Use the broad visibility of the exhibitor list on the online platform and in the app to draw the attention of potential customers to your products. After booking the exhibitor news, it will be activated in your contentmanager. You can enter and edit your content at any time. Once saved, the content is immediately publicand visible. Contents: Detailed description texts, images and technical data Service period: From publication until data for the next event is uploaded, updates are possible at any time
5x Job offers
With the job ads(5x), you have the opportunity to specifically present one of your open positions.  Take advantage of the reach of the exhibitor list on the Online Platform website and app to draw qualified candidates' attention to your company.   With one click in the exhibitor list, interested individuals will be directed straight to your job listing.  After booking the exhibitor news, they will be unlocked in your content manager.  You can add and edit your content at any time. Once saved, the content is immediately public and visible in your company profile.   Quantity: 5 job adsVisibility: Publication of three job postings on the Online Platform & in the app  Content: Description text, image, and contact details of a contact person Service period: From the publication date, up to 6 months online; updates are possible at any time
Digital Press News
Digital Press Box With the exhibitor news (1x), you can reach your target group in a targeted manner with an up-to-date news article. Important news and trends can be shared with visitors in writing. Increase the visibility of your exhibitor profile in the exhibitor list, both on the online platform and in the app. After booking the exhibitor news, it will be activated in your content manager. You can enter and edit your content at any time. Once saved, the content is immediately public and visible. Total: 1 news Service period: From publication and until the dates of the next event are importedExhibitors News 
Job offer
With the job ads(1x), you have the opportunity to specifically present one of your open positions. Take advantage of the reach of the exhibitor list on the DMEA Online Platform website and app to draw qualified candidates' attention to your company. With one click in the exhibitor list, interested individuals will be directed straight to your job listing. After booking the exhibitor news, they will be unlocked in your content manager. You can add and edit your content at any time.Once saved, the content is immediately public and visible in your company profile. Quantity: 1 job advertisement for 1 open position Visbility: Publication of three job postings on the DMEA Online Platform & in the app Content: Description text, image, and contact details of a contact personService period: From the publication date, up to 6 months online; updates are possible at any timeTo the jobs
The product presentation (1x) offers the opportunity to present one of your products in a targeted and appealing way. Use the broad visibility of the exhibitor list on the online platform and in the app to draw the attention of potential customers to your products. After booking the exhibitor news, it will be activated in your content manager. You can enter and edit your content at any time. Once saved, the content is immediately public and visible. Contents: Detailed description texts, images and technical data Service period: From publication until the data for the next event is uploaded, updates are possible at any time
Products (5x)
The product presentation (5x) offers the opportunity to present three of your products in a targeted and appealing way.  Use the broad visibility of the exhibitor list on the online platform and in the app to draw the attention of potential customers to your products. After booking the exhibitor news, it will be activated in your content manager. You can enter and edit your content at any time. Once saved, the content is immediately public and visible.  Contents: Detailed description texts, images and technical data Service period: From publication until data for the next event is uploaded, updates are possible at any time