Sold out
Advertising Tower
An Advertising tower at the entrance to the parking lots of hub27 at JafféstraßePrice: 16.210 EUR for east/west side 11.215 EUR for north/south side All prices netto without VAT.
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Bag Sponsoring
Use bag sponsoring to see your brand in the hands of visitors to SCCON. The high-quality fabric bags are distributed at the information stands and are not only used during the event, but also afterwards. These bags are a popular souvenir and provide long-term visibility for your brand.Exclusive sponsoring of all 5,000 bags, which will be distributed free of charge to the visitors at all information stands of hub 27 Logo in white, approx. 6 x 6 cmPlease note that a booking is considered as an expression of interest. For a binding booking and further information on the services included, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team. Contact details M: advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Sold out
Banner above the elevator in the entrance foyer
One Banner frame in the entrance area of hub27Located above the elevator entrance
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Banner frame next to the hall entrance
One banner frame in the entrance area of hub27Located next to the hall entrance
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Career Partner
Find new talents - the Career Day of #SCCON24 on October 17!Your benefits as a Career Partner: Your company secures an exclusive place in our Career LoungeVisibility as an attractive employerSpecific reach in sought-after target groupsSuitable junior staff for your authority, company or institutionDownload Factsheet
Sold out
Digital Displays
Displays in heavily frequented access and transition areasCan display various media files1-sidedTo be placed in close collaboration with the SCCON managementIn rotation with SCCON content
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Escalator Balustrade Branding
Balustrades branding on the escalators leading from the entrance lobby to the beta level Double sided foil branding
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Gallery Logo Banner - App
Place yourself with your company logo integrated below the menu bar of 'My SCCON'. The Gallery Logo Banner is a series of several logos displayed in the form of a horizontal image gallery. The logos are scrolled through in the gallery in a continuous loop.
Laterale passageway banner
Two lateral banners in the passageway between hub27 and hall 25Each 1-sided
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Mega banner at ICC bridge South & North
At the ICC bridge South & North directly above the main road MessedammConnection between the ICC Berlin and the Berlin exhibition site
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Sold out
Mobile Advertising Tower
One advertising tower located outside hub27Placement has to be agreed by the SCCON management
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Passageway & Entrance Banners
Up to three passageway banners between hub27 and hall 25 Passageway banners 2-sidedEntrance banners 1 sided
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Sold out
Pillar Brandings
Three out of maximum of nine pillar branding in the entrance area of hub27Each pillar is 4-sided
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Rotunda hall 13
Rotunde hall 13 facing main road Messedamm: ascend and decent to highway10 out of 17 componentsThe remaining component will likely be branded by the SCCON
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Rotunda hall 16
Rotunde hall 16 facing main crossroad between the main roads Messedamm, Masureallee and Neue Kantstrasse10 out of 18 componentsThe remaining component will likely be branded by the SCCON
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team.
Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Tabbar Banner - App
Das Banner wird am unteren Rand einer Navigationsseite der App integriert. Durch Anklicken des Banners werden die Besucher zu Ihrem Unternehmensprofil weitergeleitet. Wird an maximal 6 Partner in Rotation vergebenAnzeige in vordefinierter Reihenfolge nach dem Prinzip "First come, first served!"
Taxi Branding
With cab branding, we offer you a moving advertising space that is visible throughout the city. Your message will be placed on Berlin cabs and make a lasting impression - not only on the exhibition grounds, but also throughout the city. This is an excellent way to increase the visibility of your brand beyond the event.Branding von Berliner Taxis, die im gebuchten Zeitraum Ihre gewünschte Werbebotschaft tragen werden Buchungszeitraum: 14 Tage oder 4 Wochen 12.650,00 EUR für 50 Taxi-Brandings über 2 Wochen 17.600,00 EUR für 50 Taxi-Brandings über 4 Wochen 23.650.00 EUR für 100 Taxi-Brandings über 2 Wochen 31.350,00 EUR für 100 Taxi-Brandings über 4 Wochen Andere Mengen und Buchungszeiträume auf Anfrage. Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Buchung als Interessenbekundung gilt. Für eine verbindliche Buchung und weitere Informationen zu den enthaltenen Leistungen wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Advertising & Sponsoring Team. Kontakt: M: advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525
Transparent Podcast-Studio-Slot
STUDIO AT THE SMART COUNTRY CONVENTION!Exclusive Opportunity for Partners: Record your podcasts in our brand-new glass podcast studio – live in front of
an engaged professional audience!Live Recordings: Engage our visitors as they follow exciting conversations and discussions live via Bluetooth
headphones.Exclusive Podcast Area: Present your content in an appealing and interactive way with real entertainment value.Brand Enhancement: Take this opportunity to connect with your audience in a completely new way. Secure your
podcast slot now and become part of this innovative experience!PACKAGEDesigned for up to 4 people60-minute usage per slotEquipped with high-quality recording equipment: 2 Rode PodMic microphones, Rode CasterTechnical support before the recordingLive listening for event guests via Bluetooth headphones Slot publication in the program
WIFI Sponsoring
Use WiFi sponsorship to put your brand in the spotlight throughout the event. Free WiFi is offered to all visitors and as a sponsor you will appear prominently during the login process. In addition, your brand will be displayed with a full-size splash screen in the event app, making you even more visible in digital form.SCCON will provide free Wi-Fi for all visitors throughout the hub27.The sponsor has the privilege to provide the event's Wi-Fi with its own unique password.Integration/naming in the on-site announcements of the SCCON Wi-FiVarious design options A full-size splash screen in the app A detailed overview of all features is available upon request.
Please note
that a booking of onsite individual services is considered as an expression of
interest. For a binding booking and further information on the included
services, please contact our Advertising & Sponsoring Team. Contact: M:
advertising@messe-berlin.de T: +49 30 3038 2525