Logo Gallery/ App
Your logo in the Spotlight Gallery!Place your logo on an important subpage of the app -in an exclusive logo gallery that is displayed in an endless loop. Your logo shares the stage with other brands and ensures repeated visibility for users!Your benefits at a glance :Central placement: Your logo appears on a heavily used subpage of the appPermanent visibility: endless loop guarantees repeated attentionEffective brand presence: perfect for bringing your brand to the attention of users
Logo on Splash Screen/ App
Maximum presence: your logo on the splash screen!Put your company in the limelight - with an exclusive logo
placement on the splash screen. This screen appears when the
exhibitor list is opened in the app and brings your brand to the
attention of users several times a day.Your benefits at a glance :High visibility: your logo appears prominently with others in
the appHigh frequency: Daily visibility when opening the appStrong impression: Perfect for anchoring your brand in users'
Sandwich-Banner/ Platform & App
Maximum visibility: Your sandwich banner in the search results
lists!Ensure maximum attention by having your banner appear in the
search results lists - a prominent placement exactly where your
target group is actively searching.Your benefits at a glance :Perfect positioning: Your banner appears in the middle of the
search resultsHighest visibility: maximum attention in a highly frequented
environmentDirect link: Leads users directly to your company profileBanner formats: CMS PLUS: 2560 x 320 px, JPEG App: 1440
x 296 px, JPEG
Startpage Banner/ App
Visible and present: your banner on the app homepage!Place your company on the app home page - centrally and
prominently on the middle level. This strategic position ensures
that your message is directly in the user's field of vision as they
explore the app.Your benefits at a glance :Attractive placement: Central on the app home page for
optimal visibilityHigh user interest: Ideally positioned to generate attentionDirect link: Leads users directly to your company profileBanner format: 1440 x 450 px, JPEG
Story Ad/ App
Tell your story: Your Story Ad on the home page!Make your brand highly visible - with a story ad on the app
home page. Your clickable logo is placed prominently and opens
a full-screen view with your video or banner when clicked.
Perfect for presenting your message in an impressive way!Your benefits at a glance :Prominent placement: your logo directly on the start page of
the appMaximum impact: full-screen presentation with video or
banner after clickInteractive and eye-catching: Ensures high user engagementDirect linking: Leads visitors to your company profile with
one click
Tab-Bar-Banner/ App
Strategic visibility: Your banner in the program area of the app!Place your banner specifically in the program area of the app -
directly above the menu bar. This prominent position ensures
that your brand remains in the user's field of vision as they
navigate through the program.Your advantages at a glance :Perfect positioning: Directly above the menu bar in the
program areaHighest relevance: Visible to users who are actively exploring
the programDirect linking: Leads visitors to your company profile with
one clickMaximum attention: prominent placement in a highly
frequented locationBannerformat: 1440 x 225 px, JPEG
Top Banner/ Platform & App
Make your company an eye-catcher!With an exclusive top advertising banner directly on the CMS
PLUS platform and in the CMS app, your company will be in the
spotlight. Your banner will be placed at the top under
"Exhibitors" or "Program" - and will attract targeted attention.Your benefits at a glance:Limited availability: Only 6 exhibitors per positionOptimal visibility: Placement at the top under "Exhibitors"
and "Program" for maximum presenceDirect link: Immediate access to your company profile.Banner formats: CMS PLUS: 2560 x 320 px, JPEG App: 1440
x 450 px, JPEG
Top Listing/ Platform & App
Your company - at the forefront!Secure pole position and shine as a top result in the exhibitor
directory of the CMS PLUS platform and in the app! With the
premium placement, your company is always in the focus of
your target group - on all channels.Your benefits at a glance : Top ranking: Presence in the top position, in alphabetical
order. Visual highlights: Your background image on CMS PLUS and
your company logo in the CMS app - for a lasting impression. Direct link: Immediate access to your company profile.